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no.67, lane123 job road,, job district, shanghai, 200070


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university of pennsylvania

philadelphia, pa

college of liberal and professional studies, post-baccalaureate special science program

may 2011-present

coursework: cellular biology/biochemistry, biological basis of psychiatric disorders (current)

college of arts and sciences

may 2011

bachelor of arts in biological basis of behavior

cumulative gpa: 3.2/4.0


laboratory: primer design, pcr, restriction enzyme digestion, agarose gel electrophoresis, elisa, elispot, lymphoproliferation assay, flow cytometry, intramuscular immunizations, retro-orbital bleeds, tissue harvest

computer: microsoft office (word, excel, powerpoint, access); peoplesoft; internet proficiency; talent for organizing spreadsheet data; skilled at organizing large amounts of data for presentations and group meetings

research experience

research laboratory technician

philadelphia, pa

department of pathology, university of pennsylvania school of medicine

september 2010 - may 2011

assisted in dna vaccine research against infectious diseases such as hiv and west nile virus

worked in team setting and trained new employees and undergraduate students

designed dna vaccine adjuvant currently in phase i human clinical trials with national institute of health

awarded 2ndplace in field of vaccines at upenn center for aids research 8thannual retreat

laboratory assistant

philadelphia, pa

department of otorhinolaryngology, university of pennsylvania school of medicine

january 2009 - december 2009

performed image capturing of purkinje neurons in postmortem tissue of alzheimer patients

participated in animal research section of laboratory by assisting in immunizations and tissue harvest

organized and filtered large amount of data generated from experiments for publication

clinical research assistant

philadelphia, pa

violence intervention project, children’s hospital of philadelphia

june 2008 - august 2008

assisted in health surveillance program that refers violently injured youth to appropriate community organizations

conducted follow-up interviews with patients from 3 major philadelphia hospitals

created and organized precise database using ms excel and access

other experience

hospital volunteer

children’s hospital of philadelphia

philadelphia, pa

june 2008 - present

interact with patients in their rooms at bedside and at activity center

provide sensitivity and positive reinforcement to hospitalized children and families

mentoring program coordinator

inner-city missions

kensington, pa

september 2007 - may 2010

coordinated weekly tutoring and mentoring program

developed activities incorporating multiple learning styles

compiled statistics and integrated computer data for reports evaluating program’s success

house manager

philadelphia, pa

king’s court college house, university of pennsylvania

september 2008 - may 2009

assisted house board in planning events for 350 residents

established relations with neighboring businesses and found sponsors for house events

additional information

traveled to guinea, west africa for summer missions exposure—provided basic medical assistance

active member of journey christian fellowship and volunteer with amigos de las americas

have worked as kaplan sat teacher



















basic cv

name: miss cao

nationality: chinese

current location: guangzhou

national: han

exit and entry: maoming marital status: unmarried

age: 29-year-old

job intentions

personnel types: ordinary job

position: chinese / western medicine / pharmacist: buyer, chinese / western medicine / pharmacist,

work experience: 8 title: junior

job type: full-time arrived to date: one month

monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the working area: guangzhou

personal experience

company name: guangdong医械smart drugs limited beginning and ending date :2003-05 ~ 2009-07

company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: medical, public health undertakings

positions: pharmaceutical buyer

job description: six years of procurement experience, the main duties:

responsible for all drugs and equipment procurement. bidding for the company's work. sector investment to assist the work.

work from:

six years of procurement experience; six years of experience in bidding; the gsp for two years management experience. familiar with the variety of flexible operation; familiar with the handling of a variety of documents; familiar with the investment. good at all kinds of business data analysis, use of various resources, such as the national drug network, the provincial pharmaceutical procurement platform, the provincial price net ... ...

company nature: the private sector in their respective professions: medical, public health undertakings

positions: member of the conservation drugs

job description: in the company's quality control department, responsible for the conservation and assist drug quality control management of the department of gsp. a number of job card holders: pharmacist card, certificate of quality control staff, maintenance staff certification, purchase and sale of member cards and so on.

educational background

graduate institutions: guangzhou medical college studies by one: the science of pharmacy 2:

by education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

1996-09 1999-06 guangzhou health nursing schools --

language ability

foreign language: english general

mandarin level: the level of proficiency in cantonese: proficient

the ability to work and other expertise

six years of procurement experience; six years of experience in bidding; the gsp for two years management experience. familiar with the variety of flexible operation; familiar with the handling of a variety of documents; familiar with the investment. good at all kinds of business data analysis, use of various resources, such as the national drug network, the provincial pharmaceutical procurement platform, the provincial price net ... ...

personal contact


contact tel: 020-00000000 home phone:

phone: 13588888888 qq number:<>




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